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Misconception of light, sight and colour

The light can only be reflected from shiny surfaces (such as a mirror), object cannot absorb and reflect light
All objects absorb and reflect light to different degrees, the ability to see objects depends on the reflection of light
Earth gets heat from the sun.
 The sun is actually too far from the earth to heat it directly. Instead, the light from the sun is reflected or absorbed by objects on earth. Absorbed light usually increases the energy in an object, causing the object to heat up.
seeing involves emissions from the eye
When you see, you do not "send something out" from your eyes.  Instead, you see an object because light-photons move away from the object and into your eyes.  Your mind is actively involved with processing and interpreting what you see, but the physical flow of matter/energy (and associated information) is in one direction, from an external event into your eyes and mind, so an event is not affected when you observe it.
blood that lacks oxygen turns blue probably comes from the fact that veins appear blue and blood in the veins is typically heading back to the lungs, hence depleted of oxygen. It is also possibly from the fact that when people are suffocating or the like, their lips and complexion seem to turn blue-ish or purple.
it turns out that when blood is deprived of oxygen, it actually just turns dark red, as we often see when it is drawn when we are donating blood. When it’s oxygenated, it turns a brighter red. This red color primarily comes from the hemoglobin, which contains four heme groups. These heme group’s interactions with various molecules end up giving it the dark red or light red color we see. The hemoglobin itself is a protein that binds with oxygen to eventually be distributed throughout the body in blood. 
light is reflected from
other surfaces
Light is reflected away from shiny surfaces, but light is not reflected from
other surfaces
Sun is yellow
Sun is white. The reason the Sun looks yellow to us on Earth is that our atmosphere scatters light from the Sun; so the apparent color of the sun changes.  This same scattering effect is why the sky looks blue in the day time instead of black, like at night. 

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aelma husna said...

such an interesting information. sincerely, I did have misconceptions on the color of sun and earth get heat from the sun. Who knows this simple information also can be misunderstood by me. thanks for this group. Really appreciate the information.

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